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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dindugul I.Leoni Pattimandram-April 14 2011

This pattimandram was telecasted on April 14 on Kalaignar tv.

The topic is

                  Nagaichuvai enbadhu Sirippadharkae..! Sindhippadharkae..!
Is comedy is just for laughing and to enhance our thinking..

Dindugul I.Leoni with his usual team and with a simple topic makes us laugh a lot.

Especially, this pattimandram proved his talents like singing and mimicry. He mimics not only
the voices of V.I.Ps, but the voices of common characters we meet in our life.
The characters are also very different, javvumittaikaarar, inji marappa vikkaraver(persons who sell
some toffees in streets and bus stands). He mimics how they sell the things with rhyming words.

And proves his expertize in chennai tamil. And Mr.Iniyavan, he usually makes fun of cine songs,
he takes a thirukkural and says in Tanglish(Tamil+English). I couldnt stop laughing for certain minutes
on hearing that one.

And as finishing touch, Leoni sings a song "Rock and Roll" from an old tamil film "Padhi bakthi" , sung by
actor Chandrababu. Wow..he sings very excellently.. His comments for the arguments of the speakers
are also rib-tickling.
This pattimandram gives assurance for continuous laughter..

Listen to the pattimandram and experience the laughter..
